Millwall RFC
Founded in 1995, Isle of Dogs based rugby club

AGM 2024 Role Information


Click on A Role to find out more



The purpose of this information page, which has been reviewed and confirmed, is for members to find out more about the volunteer elected Club Officer roles held at Millwall for Season 2024/25.

  • All nominees for positions must be fully aware of the responsibilities that are being taken on and must be willing and able to fulfil those duties for the duration of Season 2024/25.

  • If you are considering standing, please reach out to the current role holder or Secretary to find out more of what is involved. Being part of the Committee means you can have a long lasting and positive impact at The Club, with an opportunity for both personal and professional growth and leadership.

  • We welcome nominations on the day for all positions, but in the interest of an effective and efficient AGM, we recommend submitting nominations ahead of time.

  • Competition is highly encouraged. Just because someone intends to stand again, it should not prevent you from standing for the same position.

  • You can submit nominations for multiple roles. Candidates may be considered for election to more than one position if the electing members believe it is in the best interests of the club.

  • For Wider CMC elected positions, a maximum of 2 people can stand for joint roles. For CMC positions it will remain as one person per position. All role holders can have sub-committees/assistants to help them in their duties.

  • Any positions that are unfilled as a result will then be reviewed by the new CMC and either a future Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held, or positions filled by co-opting, as per the constitution.

Club Management Committee Responsibilities

If elected as a CMC Officer:

  • A handover will be provided to assist you in role within 6 weeks after the date the AGM is held, or sooner if agreed at a full committee meeting in the intervening period.

  • You must be willing to obtain a RFU Enhanced DBS disclosure if you don’t hold one already.

  • You should aim to attend every monthly CMC meeting. These last two hours at a time and currently take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, alternating between in person at the Clubhouse and online.

  • Those elected to CMC roles can be made a formal Director of Millwall Rugby Club Ltd but if you are not willing or able to be a Director you may nominate another to be the Director in your stead. This does not affect your position as an elected officer on CMC for operating decisions of the club, only any formal Board of Directors meetings (which are rare).

Wider Club Management Committee Responsibilities

While not holding a vote at CMC meetings, the Members of our Wider CMC are integral in the running of the Millwall Rugby Club. If elected as a Wider Club Committee Officer:

  • A handover will be provided to assist you in role within 6 weeks after the date the AGM is held, or sooner if agreed at a full committee meeting in the intervening period.

  • You should aim to attend one in every three CMC meetings and be willing to obtain a RFU Enhanced DBS disclosure if you don’t hold one already.

Interested in Standing?

  • If you would like to stand for one or more of the Elected Officer positions listed above, you should submit your nomination in writing, preferably by email to, by 21:00, Wednesday, 22 May 2024.

  • Your nomination should be a brief outline of why you are standing for the role, highlighting any relevant personal or professional experience, and motivations.